Joe’s Journal: Day 16 – Cheating on a Reboot

Day 16 was similar to yesterday. I was feeling high on life. Nothing particularly new and exciting  took place but the mere feeling of all of this energy and clarity was like having an internal parade in my head where everyone was cheering for me as I walked through the streets drinking my Mean Green. That’s how good I felt!

I do want to address questions I get often about cheating and failing during my Reboot.

The answer is no.  I didn’t cheat on my Reboot and no. I’ve always been an “all or nothing” type of guy. Even before my Reboot I was able to detox for days without a drop of alcohol or junk food. But the difference between now and then is those were all quick fixes. I’d start to feel good but then would resort right back to old ways of too much booze and too much pizza. I knew this time had to be for good.

I also had a powerful reason not to give in to the tempting foods that were surrounding me everyday. For one, it was the thought that I would possibly be able to go off my Prednisone if I really stuck to this, but even more so was there was a camera following me around!  I 100% stuck to fruit and vegetables in juice form only.

Another question I want to address and one I recently received from community member Stacie…“Is it okay to juice for several days, have a salad one evening with all raw veggies and avocado, and continue juicing after that? Is that a continuation of the juice fast with a blip, or are you starting a new juice fast?”

First, a Reboot is  defined as a period of time where you commit to drinking and eating only fruits and vegetables. That’s right, I said eating! You just have to figure out what works best with your body and your lifestyle. It’s different for everyone. You may lose weight faster if you juice only, but it is perfectly fine to eat your fruits and veggies too! Do what works best for you.

When we did a 7-Day Reboot here at the office with team Reboot, everyone did it differently. Ameet originally thought he’d eat and juice but once he got going he found that he really wanted to only juice. Kari planned to juice only but found it much easier to prepare and eat dinner at night with her 3 year old son and husband. Jamin had already committed to a big social event during the Reboot so she had planned to allow herself a “cheat meal” but would get right back on track the next morning and continue juicing. Chris was only going to Reboot for 7 days but was feeling so good he decided to continue and completed 30 days of juice only.

Another question I hear is, “what if I just break down and eat a slice of my kids pizza during a Reboot?” Well, you probably won’t feel good physically or emotionally. But you did not fail! Listen to your body when it tells you it really didn’t like that slice of pizza and keep on Rebooting.  You do not need to quit or start over.  At the end of the day a Reboot is about flooding our body with nutrients, resetting our taste buds and learning to eat healthier. There is no failure in that!

Read my past journal entries and don’t forget to check out our 2nd Anniversary Celebration to find out what you can win.