Join Joe for a Live Facebook Chat

No matter how you plan on celebrating the New Year – drinking champagne or getting to bed early to enjoy a productive New Year’s Day – I want to bring all of us together to kick off 2015 with our health in mind.

On January 4th at 7:30PM EST (January 5th at 10AM in Australia) I’m inviting you – all Rebooters around the world – to join me and my production team, Director Kurt Engfehr and Producer Jamin Mendelsohn, for a LIVE chat on the Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead Facebook page. This will be a time for you to ask us anything about Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2 – a chance for you to go behind the scenes with our production experts, and a time for you to ask me anything you want! The only questions I won’t be able to answer are your medical ones – I’m not a nutritionist or a doctor so I’ll leave those to the medical experts.


  • January 4th
  • 6PM EST: Watch FSND2 – My team and I will be watching it just before the chat, and you should too!
  • 7:30PM – 9PM EST: Live Facebook Chat with Joe, Jamin & Kurt

US & Canada – Beginning January 1st, you can watch Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2 on Netflix! My team and I will be watching it at 6PM EST, just before the live chat starts, so go ahead and join us and let’s make it a global viewing party!

If you don’t have Netflix or you are elsewhere in the world, you can buy or rent the film today.

Maybe you’re just starting on your Reboot journey or maybe you’ve found your health and want to get your spouse on board; no matter where you are on this voyage, January 4th will be a special time to bring everyone from around the globe together and to commit to making 2015 our healthiest year yet.