Jack H. Turns His Life Around After A 5 Day Reboot

Name:  Jack H.
Age:   57
Location: Oregon
Reboot: 5 Day Juice Only Reboot
Health Improvements:  I have lost 18.4 lbs. since I started juicing on August 20th. I quit taking all of my medications for Type II Diabetes and chronic pain. My cholesterol reduced from 181 to 123, my triglycerides reduced from 244 to 119, and I have excellent blood pressure. I have overcome depression, varicose veins, and a cloud that lived in the cornea of my left eye.

How did you learn about Reboot Your Life?
My wife found out about Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead from going to a friend’s juicing blog.

What inspired you to do a Reboot?
Joe Cross and the movie Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead.

How did the experience go for you?
The 1st 3 days were tough, as I had also given up drinking about 3/4 of a pot of very strong Starbucks French Roast Coffee daily, and also I was not used to putting all of these wonderful micronutrients from juice into my body.  I used to eat anything and everything.  On the 4th day I felt good and fantastic on the 5th day.

Did you have any notable health or physical improvements?
After the reboot, my wife and I started a Vegan diet.  I have lost 18 lbs., no more Type II Diabetes, the terrible foot pain due to diabetic neuropathy is almost totally gone, I am now sleeping without my CPAP machine as sleep apnea has subsided, high cholesterol is better than normal, and all of the wonderful changes listed above in Answer #2.

What was the toughest part about the Reboot experience?
The toughest part for me was not eating any food and quitting the intense, strong coffee I was drinking on a daily basis.

What habits have you maintained and kept a part of your everyday life?
My wife and I juice daily, I exercise at least 5 days per week now, and everything that we eat is plant based, non GMO, wonderful Vegan food!  I am getting ready to do a 5 day juice only Reboot!

What is your Lasting Impression of the Reboot experience?
This has been a totally life changing experience for me.  I have my health back after being sick for over 4+ years, and I don’t remember ever feeling this good EVER in my life and I’m 57-1/2 years young now!

My wellness has become a testimony to others.  People ask and I tell them about Joe Cross and Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead.  See the following:

Since my wife & I started with Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead, one co-worker has also reversed her Type II Diabetes.

Another friend and his wife are on the program.  He feels great as does she and the rosacea on his face has cleared up.

Another co-worker has started juicing.

A co-worker with diabetic family members has requested the information from me.

Someone else at my place of employment has requested the information for himself and his wife.

Two other friends have also started juicing now.

Another friend and his wife have requested the information to get started.

A cousin is getting her juicer and is getting ready to be well again too!

Every time someone asks me why I feel so good and look so much better than I used to, I share Joe Cross and Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead as Joe has given me the chance to be well and feel better than I have ever felt in my life, and I believe that everyone who asks me has the right to join Joe and save their lives too!!!