In the Reboot Kitchen: The Cabbage Patch Juice

One of the benefits of belonging to a CSA is that I hardly ever have to go shopping, I am always stocked on fresh organic veggies.  The challenge is actually finding things to do with it all.  Of course juicing helps a great deal!

During my recent juice-only Reboot, I ventured out of my old stand-by juices to incorporate more options.  For example this recipe features the often ignored green cabbage.

I learned that cabbage has a high yield for a leafy vegetable and a mild taste. In this juice, I coupled it with Swiss chard, Carrot, Apple and ginger for maximum taste and nutrients.

Talk about Garden-in-a-Cup!


  • 6-8 Green Cabbage Leaves
  • 6-8 Swiss Chard Leaves
  • 3 Carrots
  • 1 Apple
  • 1 in (2.5 cm) piece of fresh ginger


  1. Wash all produce well.
  2. Pass all ingredients through a juicer.
  3. Serve and enjoy!

Servings: 1

Serving Size: 16 -18 oz (500 ml)