In the Reboot Kitchen: Orange Delight

All of us here at Team Reboot are finishing up Day 4 of our 7 Day Reboot. We are feeling fabulous, drinking plenty of juices vibrant with the colors of the rainbow and an endless count of nutrients, and we are finally over the first three-day hump (the first three days are always the hardest to get through)!

Each day around 11 am we enjoy fresh coconut water to satisfy our mid-morning juice cravings…well, not all of us. Some of us aren’t the biggest fans of coconut water but it’s so important to consume so your body takes in the added electrolytes and minerals to replenish hydration levels.

In comes the ORANGE. It’s not rocket science but adding fresh squeezed orange juice to the coconut water was just the ticket to adding more flavor, more nutrients, and more fun for our taste buds.

This juice can be enjoyed first thing in the morning, as a snack, or even better yet, as a dessert!


  • 12 oz (350 ml) fresh coconut juice (You can also purchase packaged coconut water at the grocery store)
  • 2 oranges, peeled


  • Wash oranges well.
  • Pass the oranges through the juicer to make fresh orange juice.
  • Pour juice into glass over ice.
  •  Add 12 oz. of fresh coconut water into the glass and have yourself a DELIGHTful and refreshing juice!

Servings: 1

Serving Size: 16 - 18 oz (500 ml)