Heman leads an Island Reboot

Heman lives and works on the beautiful island of St. Martin, in one of the busiest cruise ship ports in the Caribbean. This tourist paradise is filled with tasty eateries that don’t always offer the healthiest fare.

With many nights out with friends enjoying pizzas, pasta, fried foods, and evenings spent binge-watching TV shows and snacking on high-processed foods, Heman was constantly tired and gaining weight.

It was one fateful weekend that changed it all.

Heman came across Fat Sick & Nearly Dead in his Netflix queue. And as soon as he finished, he ordered his Breville juicer and was ready for the challenge: a 60 Day Reboot, just like Joe did. And depending how he felt, he might continue to Reboot even longer.

Without saying a word to anyone, he started his Reboot the following week.

“I had this old juicer that I pulled out from the back of my cupboard. I knew it wouldn’t last long, and I only intended to use it for the first week until I received my new juicer. It didn’t even last one full day! I was freaking out. What was I going to do? I had my mind-set and I wanted to start immediately. But I can’t juice without a juicer!!”


  • I’ve lost 45 pounds in 30 days*
  • My cholesterol levels improved*
  • My blood pressure numbers are lower*
  • I feel well rested and sleep better
  • My aches and pains have decreased*
  • My wife joined me on a healthier path—and she lost 20 pounds*
  • I’ve inspired two other people to try a Reboot

Heman’s challenge inspires a café

Fully committed to his challenge, Heman went to a local café where he knew they had a juicer but not the right ingredients for green juice.

As Heman explains, “I brought my own vegetables with me and I asked them if they could please juice them for me. I explained how I was committed to drink juice only for 60 days, and that I was waiting for my juicer to arrive. They were happy to accommodate me.”

Now, the cafe has “Heman’s Green Juice” on their menu and it’s one of its best selling juices!

Coworkers and friends wonder about Heman’s change

It didn’t take too long before people around started noticing that Heman had juice with him anywhere he went. He stopped going to lunch and declined invites to eat out on the weekend.

And after two weeks of juice only, coworkers, friends, and neighbors noticed a significant difference in Heman.

He was losing a lot of weight* and had a smaller shirt size. His skin looked incredibly healthy*. And, he was always in such great spirits, energized and full of life—no sign of fatigue or complaints about headaches.

The ripple effect of change starts

In less than 30 days from when Heman started his challenge, more than 30 people asked him for advice on how to start juicing!

He told them about Fat Sick & Nearly Dead, his inspiration for juicing. And he helped many of them order juicers so they could start their own Reboots.

“Here we can’t walk into a store and buy a juicer; I had to order it on Amazon. Most of the people don’t have an Amazon account so I would have to order the juicer for them. I ordered over 50 Breville juicers within 3 months.”

Heman’s walkathon raises more awareness

Herman's Reboot challenge inspires
Lead by his passion for juicing and healthy living, Heman organized a walkathon in October 2016.

The successful event had 200 people—including the former Prime Minister of St. Martin—walking to raise awareness about the power of juicing and the small changes that can be made to lead healthier living.

Due to high demand, Heman is currently organizing another walkathon in hope that the community can inspire more people to come out and experience for themselves the life changing effects of juicing.

In total, Heman juiced for 100 days and lost almost 50 pounds, and his wife juiced for 50 days and lost 20 pounds.*

The health of St. Martin shifts

“If you visit St Martin now, it is a changed island. Ask where to find a green juice and people will point you in the right direction,” said Heman. “Many of the local cafes have added fresh juices to their menus to attract more business. Every single shop owner in Philipsburg knows about juicing and about half have done at least few days of juice-only Reboot.”

A story that begun with a man who was tired of feeling tired turned into a community passionate for juicing. It’s now an ongoing story of more and more people experiencing the #powerofjuice and making healthier food choices.