Green Monster Smoothie for Kids

Keep Halloween healthy and serve your kids this Green Monster Smoothie. Smoothies and juices are an excellent way to include those hidden extra servings of vegetables and fruits for kids. Making it fun can make it more exciting and appealing to drink. This is a great mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack for a great anti-oxidant hit. Making snacks bright and colorful is important to gain a range of micro-nutrients which is important for healthy cognitive function and immunity.  ENJOY!  


  • 1 pear
  • 1 kiwi
  • 1/2 avocado
  • Handful of baby spinach


  1. Wash produce well.
  2. Peel kiwi and remove skin of avocado.
  3. Place the ingredients with some ice into a blender and blend.
  4. Serve and enjoy.

Servings: 1

Serving Size: 16 oz (500 ml)


  • Pear – apple, banana
  • Kiwi  – apple, berries
  • Avocado – banana
  • Spinach – any leafy green vegetable

Calories: 320

Fat: 15 g

Trans Fat: 2 g

Cholesterol: 0 mg

Sodium: 50 mg

Carbohydrates: 49 g

Fiber: 15 g

Sugars: 24 g

Protein: 4 g