A Juice for Your Evening Stroll

I love going for walks with my family after dinner especially in the crisp, cool fall evenings. Filled with some of the best fall produce, this juice is great for an easy stroll if you’re needing something sweet after dinner. On the flip side, it’s also excellent to drink this juice before exercising, thanks to the natural nitric oxide in beets that has been shown to help boost exercise performance and antioxidants. You can enjoy this juice at anytime though since it’s packed with vitamin C and beta-carotene in the orange, lemon and carrot.



  • 1 medium beet (beetroot)
  • 2-3 carrots
  • 1 orange
  • ½ lemon


1. Wash all produce well.

2. Peel beet, orange and lemon.

3. Add all ingredients through the juicer and enjoy!

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes

Servings: 1

Serving Size: 16 - 18 oz. (500mls)


  • Beet – red apple, red cabbage
  • Carrot – sweet potato, butternut squash
  • Orange –  grapefruit
  • Lemon – lime, ginger