
The Choice Is Yours…

I recently read an article which highlighted a very interesting concept – “Exercise may make dieting easier”. Now, this might sound intuitive: more exercise results in more weight loss, but the point is more about the mental link between taking positive action for your health and less about actual calories burned.

In a nutshell, the concept is this: when you commit to doing good things for your body, it may translate to doing more and more good. So if you actively choose to exercise, you may be more likely to make healthy food choices too!

Responsible exercise can be part of your Reboot routine — Reboot Nutritionist Stacy Kennedy posted some great tips last week on how to incorporate fitness into your Reboot. Check them out!

Keep track of all the extra steps you take and the effort you are putting in, and allow those positive choices to influence your food choices too! When you transition off the Reboot, you will be well-positioned for a healthy way forward!!