By Success Stories
Name: Michael Rodriguez
Age: 36
Location: Chicago, IL
Reboot: 60 Days of juice only
Health Improvements: Went from 323 lbs. to 258 lbs. and stopped taking 2 of 3 blood pressure medications.
How did you learn about Reboot Your Life?
From the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead.
What inspired you to do a Reboot?
The documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. Not to mention staying awake at night wondering when something bad health-wise was going to happen. I also had a friend who had completed a 60 day juice fast. Lastly, I wanted so desperately to be prescription- free.
How did the experience go for you?
It was very challenging throughout, but once I was taken off one blood pressure medication, it was all I needed to keep going, which was around day 23. I was ready to quit on day 13 and then day 15, but I watched someone mention how they were struggling around that same time frame and how they had finished the fast and it kept me going for that time.
Did you have any notable health or physical improvements?
Definitely, I lost 65 lbs. and I am off 2 blood pressure medications.
What was the toughest part about the Reboot experience?
Not eating at all and not having the extra energy to do more demanding things.
What habits have you maintained and kept a part of your everyday life?
I juice regularly. I eat so many more fruit and veggies than I ever did previously, and I eat a mostly vegan diet with of course the few weekly cheat meals. I tend to eat more slowly as well.
What is your Lasting Impression of the Reboot experience?
I would do it all over again. It was very difficult but it taught me that I had self-control in me somewhere and by the grace of the Good Lord I was able to use what He gave me to make it through. I am also so glad to have inspired others to take on the challenge and hope my story and pictures will help to encourage many others to take on this life-changing challenge. The last piece is that I am not finished with my health journey, I still feel challenged to lose another 50 – 60 lbs., and continue eating well and exercising as I have forever.