
June Group Reboot – Day 1

G’Day Rebooters!

Welcome to Day 1 of the June Group Reboot. I am so excited to see all of you making the commitment to get back on track. The decision to take on the Reboot challenge in itself is a big step, so good on ya!

At Reboot, we are committed to increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables, and making our program and community support accessible to everyone. For the next 5 days, more than 1000 people are going to be drinking and eating fruits and vegetables. These five days could be the start of a happier, healthier, new way of life for you – wouldn’t that be amazing?

One of the reasons we like to organize a Group Reboot is so you can connect with others to ask questions, receive and provide support, swap stories and recipes. So don’t be shy – share, post and keep everyone updated.

Here’s How:

*JoinTheReboot.com – Visit the Group Reboot Forum – this will be a hub of activity for everyone going through the experience together. Post your comments and questions here!

*Facebook – RSVP to the “June Group Reboot” Event and upload photos, videos, comments to our wall.

*Twitter – Use Hashtag #GroupReboot in your Tweets.

So let’s get down to business… It is Day 1, and a Reboot is a challenge. It’s not going to be a walk in the park, but it’s worth it. Here are a few things that will be helpful to keep in mind as you Reboot:

1) Make sure you are drinking enough water in addition to your juices. Being well-hydrated is crucial and may help ease any headaches and cravings. Aim to drink the same quantity of water each day as juice. (64 oz / 2 liters or more is a good goal.)

2) Are you resting? Really resting? Be sure to give your body the rest it needs. The Reboot is a time for the body to heal. Don’t feel bad if you are tired — allow yourself to feel this way, and take it easy.

3) Goals and Intentions. When I did my 60 day Reboot, my goal was to get off of my medication. It was great to lose the weight too, but I was motivated and driven by the idea of a medication-free life. As you embark on this Reboot, think about what you want to achieve, and focus on that during the hard moments.

Here’s to a great Group Reboot!

Juice On!
– Joe