From Couch Potato to Marathons: Shane Changed His Life for Good

 to Name – Shane W.
Location – New York, NY
Reboot – 7 Day Reboot

Shane’s Story…

I used to be your typical overweight businessman on the go. I ate and drank too much, I stuffed myself with large portions of unhealthy foods, and I was at least 60 lbs. overweight.

My diet consisted of Chinese food on Monday night, Pizza on Tuesday night, and Buffalo Wings on Wednesday night, all washed down with a bottle of red wine (or two)!

I was constantly traveling and entertaining clients. Given my poor eating habits and complete lack of exercise, I was in the worst shape of my life. My health was terrible, and I was always sick with the flu and easily caught colds.

After work, you’d find me anchored to the sofa (or a bar) with little energy to get out and move. I lived for watching football and drinking beer and I just couldn’t control my weight at all. It wasn’t for lack of trying, either, because I’d tried all the popular diets, including Weight Watchers, Atkins, and South Beach.

In each case, I was moderately successful, and lost a few pounds, but then, I would soon be piling on the pounds I had lost and became more overweight than before. That was before I read about juicing and after several attempts I completed a 7 day Reboot.

Almost two years later, I have lost sixty pounds and six inches from my waist and kept it off! I also went on to run two half marathons and hundreds of miles in training. All because of juicing!

I set up the blog and podcast to help spread the word and I love the work that Joe Cross and Team Reboot are doing!
